
Life is a struggle. We were born to live. Let us live our life gloriously. For now and later, until the end of our time. In the end, meet our Creator with glorious look on our face

This is me. And you. And everyone. And everything.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ah, Fate...

Ah, fate...
Written and estabilished in His Lauh Mahfuzh
Even since we had not been born
Into this mortal world

Ah, fate...
Not only the settled, unalterable ones
But also the alterable ones as well
As a medium of faith for Him

Ah, fate...
It is a curtain of mystery
And will forever be a curtain of mystery
Unless we sweep that away

Ah, fate...
It is nothing we expect just by waiting
It is something we expect by hardworking
And surrendering ourselves to Him

Because He has promised
He will not change the fate of His creatures
Until they change it themselves

Ah, fate...

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