
Life is a struggle. We were born to live. Let us live our life gloriously. For now and later, until the end of our time. In the end, meet our Creator with glorious look on our face

This is me. And you. And everyone. And everything.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Friday, January 11, 2013


To live a glorious life, we have to know about ourselves. We have to confess about who we really are. Only then we can decide which way we are about to go, and what things we will do to achieve that.


This is me, and my confession


This is me. This is what I am. This is my whole, not just my good. And that's what I'm gonna show to you all, so that I will know what/who will build me to goodness, and what/who will destroy me to ruin.

Silence is the best thing I can do before I have a chance to speak in the real world. I'd rather be silent than be the talkative person saying emptynesses, nonsenses, or insults, hurting people.

Better be single than be in a bad relationship.

Better be alone than be with bad friends.

In every circumstances, I must, and I will involve ALLAH Subhanaahu Wa Ta'ala, because HE is My Guide, My Light, and My Creator. HE is The One Who Show me The Way.

On one side, I might be vulnerable. But, on the other side, I am highy durable. That's what gives me endurance to stand firm against all the odds in this mortal world.

My parents. (Now) I (am trying to) love them more than anyone else in this world, after my Prophet Muhammad Shalalllahu 'Alaihi Wassalam. I will not call myself a good child unless I make them proud with my achievements, in both this world and for the Hereafter.

I'd rather not expecting something excessively than expecting it, even as little, from any circumstances, as I will fall by my head (and/or even my face) into deep disappointment if the expectation misses.

My mood often changes rapidly. Be it a good mood for one moment, and be it a bad mood for another. Despite that fact, I am truly grateful to be able to experience that. There are so much people unable to feel that anymore, because their soul had faced Allah, The Creator, even in their young age. That means, Allah still gives me the chance to reinforce my heart and live gloriously.

This is who I am. So, who are you?

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